The common distances in our eyes every words can make a bundle of creative blessedness
which kept equally popularity for a bundle of relationship in one religion to pure differences.
A journey relating to charge of whole eternity world where we every one join in equal marg !
Evergreen green turf line always call us to join in beauty of small grain being for our recent world
characterization. Nature saw so you reap!
Our working priority and connection may start from reliable sources but we ever no reliable for
our reliable thinking;An immortal EXCHANGES VALUES OF RATING WITH EVERY ONE ONWARDS MAKING A FOREVER RELATIONSHIP as far as his/her native mode to energetic expressive motive.
We will be back to upwards not to down world! If our regularity is like morning in clear sky
our mind and working efficiency automatically get awesome motion for keeping any no Q?
Supernatural power at turn of the river from where keep away(date 21.12) it's differential axis on disappear rainbows try to colour mix on the real state light, even it should be for joy in rear god art among busy working world!
21.12.2012 Prophecy
End of the world
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21.12.2012. End of time. End of the world. The end of Mayan Long Count. The
apocalypse. The end of Kali Yuga. The winter solstice 2012 is not just any
solstice but the solstice of all solstices. It is the Great Solstice - a solstice
of the precessional or Platonic year. It is the fountain of all solstices
and all equinoxes from which the life flows and cascades from a season to
season. It is the source from which the time to which we owe our existence
gushes out. And it is also a payback time when such existence must be justified.
Did the gift of life, which was bestowed the last time around, fulfill its
purpose? What does the end date of Mayan Long count indicate? What will happen
on 21.12.2012? Will it be what Tom, Harry or Sally thought and put forward
in their theories or will it be what it must be? What does this date truly
indicate? Is it negotiable? It indicates the end of the present order and
it is NOT negotiable. 21.12.2012 is an appointment with destiny. It is an
apocalypse and ascension. It is the end of the world, as we know it - nothing
more and nothing less. It is a complete and comprehensive destruction of the
age of Kali as a dominant force shaping all aspects of life, which is preceding
the dawn of a new Golden age. Did not you know that every transformation and
establishment of a new order is unfolded through the destruction of the old
order? Did not you know that every action must have an equal and opposite
reaction? Did not you know that everything that exists must be born and it
must die? Did not you know that new life is created through death and death
through life? Did you think that you would never die? Did you really think
that time is infinite? Well, it doesn't really matter what anyone thought
because truth is not affected by such idle theories at least. To think is
not to know. The winter sun 2012 ushers into 72 days of upheavals in which
the chaos following a destruction of the old order will reign before the new
order is firmly set in place.
Is it going to be destruction similar to the one in Noah's time 5200 years
ago or as the one in which Atlantis and many other parts of the world were
obliterated 10400 years ago? No, because such destructions were only partial,
allowing the seeds of the past to infiltrate the new age (see biblical book
of Daniel). 21.12.2012 will be a complete; hence destruction on a much larger
scale, because it is not only the birth of one out of five ages of the same
precessional cycle but also the birth of a brand new precessional age. It
is the birth of a larger creative cycle than the past four events and will
trigger a correspondingly larger degree of destruction since the larger birth
is also a more painful birth. The winter solstice 2012 will not be just a
change of civilizations as in the past. It is a more essential change. It
is the change of the race of man similar to the one 26000 years ago in which
the Neanderthal race could not justify its existence. It stipulates the demise
of the present race supporting its life through the brutalities of Kali and
ushering into existence a future race thriving on justice of the Golden age
(Ma'at). Is it the time of ascension? It is certain ascension only for the
earth. The certain planetary ascension creates only a possibility for ascension
of man and all the life in the earth's environment. It depends on the level
of adaptation to such new environment whether man will follow the suit.
The eventual ascension depends on the degree of harmony between man and
his environment. It depends on the amount of concord existing between the
spirit of man and the spirit of his creator. It depends whether his heart
and his mind converge or diverge. It depends whether man's life has a purpose
or not. The ascension of man is conditional upon his willingness to accept
the truth and the immutability of the upcoming change. The ascension of Earth
is impersonal but ascension of man is a personal responsibility. A bend in
the road will be the end of the road for the present race unless it is willing
to make a righteous turn. Will one make a turn if one cannot even see the
bend? How can one see what lays ahead if one is only willing to look back?
Is there a future in the past? Remember that although all are invited, only
few are chosen, because only few are willing to accept the invitation. Only
few have the time and will to see the grand scheme of life. Only few are willing
to sacrifice the personal illusion of the world and embrace the world's impersonal
truth. Only few are willing to exchange their unjust beliefs for the just
truth. One's life is one's personal responsibility. The ascension of life
is a personal responsibility to act in time. It is not an ascent but a descent,
which is a choice by default to act consciously. Kali must harvest what Kali
planted in an age of Kali. Any different outcome requires a personal effort.
Life is a personal responsibility because the creator creates through his
creations. It is a personal choice to open the eyes or to keep them shut.
It is a personal choice to accept or to reject the gift of life. Who is the
one who chooses one's own destiny if not you? One will drown under the weight
of unjust personal beliefs unless one is unburdened by the personal acceptance
of an impersonal and just truth. One can float in the river of life only if
his burden is not heavier than the feather of Maat. One can either repent
or persist in his beliefs and the injustice he dishes on the world around
him. Survival is a matter of adaptation. How can one adapt to what one is
not even conscious of? The adaptation to personal beliefs is not an adaptation
but a dead end road. The sustainability of life corresponds to its adaptation
to the impersonal truth. Life must be just to be justified by its environment
and the justice must be impersonal to be equal for all. Can a father be just
if he favors only one of his many sons? The belief is always only a half-truth,
which is creating intolerance and injustice. The half-truth is a deceit. The
half-truth is worst than a lie, because it lies about the truth as much as
it lies about the lie. Only the truth is just and wholesome. A world built
on the beliefs is an ignorant world of Kali who rules through the deceits
of half-truths. You can choose to embrace the new and just age by acting now
or you can choose by default of acting now to follow its demise with the winter
sun of 2012. Creation of life is a conscious effort that requires a coherent
action. Only the decay and death happen by default.
is not a question of what will happen on the winter solstice 2012 but what
will you do about it. One is a certainty over which you have no control but
the other is a freedom of choice. Will you be physically and spiritually ready
or will the unfolding events catch you like a proverbial thief in the night?
It is a free world. No one can or will be coerced. It is a personal liability
to accept the impersonal truth. It is a personal choice whether unfolding
events will predetermine one's own destiny or whether one will determine it
by manipulating the events. It depends on the degree of one's awareness and
that depends on his willingness to adapt. Alternatively, it depends on one's
willingness to abandon personal beliefs and embrace the impersonal truth.
It depends on the resistance the spirit offers to the changing environment.
It depends on the weight of the heart. One must overcome the personal inertia
or be overcomed by it. One either lives or dies. 21.12.2012 is the Judgment
Day because only the life that is just and balanced with its environment will
overcome it. Only the spirit that is in tune with the Higher Will will be
justified. The twisted personal notions of justice do not determine the meaning
of justice. On the contrary! That which is balanced and coherent is just.
It is impersonal. It has absolutely nothing in common with anything that we
might think or feel to be just (or not). The just is what is adaptable to
environment and in tune with the Higher Will. The just is what is in tune
with its purpose. The purposeless and selfish existence is unjust. See the
world around you and all your questions about its usefulness and the kind
of justice it serves should be answered.
If you want to heal the world, give it justice. Not an illusion of justice
according to the subjective personal beliefs what constitutes love and fear
but the real impersonal justice! World doesn't need the impotent projection
of the passive love but a potent doses of the active love. It doesn't need
an immaterial and inconsequential love but a tangible material love. The world
needs the active creation and not the passive destruction to be healed. The
fear of dispensing the real love in a disguise of projecting some imaginary
love is nothing but a total absence of love that will only accelerate the
decay and death of this world. The world needs the just and impersonal love
- not an unjust and selfish love, which is not the love at all and it has
no creative potential but serves the same destructive purpose as the fear.
Love that is incapable of stirring tangible action is an abdication of love
in the face of fear and has no creative purpose because it doesn't urge an
adaptation to the truth; hence it doesn't stimulate an increase in awareness
or the proliferation of life. An unjust personal love is selective, selfish
and intolerant and it is anything but love in its inactivity. The love appears
as fear and the fear as love in a world dominated by the sheer brutality of
an age of Kali, which is promulgating inactivity, decay and chaos.
Would it be the justice to retain something that is unjust by its nature?
Is it of any use to keep something that is useless? One cannot be of use to
oneself but only to that that is outside of oneself. The purpose of a rudder
is to steer the boat - it has no value if detached and on its own. What is
the use of an unjust and selfish world, because it has no creative power?
What is the use of a purposeless existence? Does it have the power to sustain
itself when faced with its purpose? Can one's existence be justified when
faced with one's creator on the day of the Lord? Can one offer a purpose in
exchange for a given life? Can one repent the injustice fostered by the partiality
of beliefs and accept the justice of truth? Can one adapt and justify his
continued existence? Or is one's heart too inflexible and too heavy with the
injustice? Apocalyptic 42-day passage of earth though a black hole of time
that will start with winter sun of 2012 requires the clarity and justice of
all life on earth. Why? Because only the justice is coherent; hence only the
justice has a creative power of life. The injustice is incoherent randomness
that is devoid of any power because all its selfish and isolated parts act
against each other. The justice is not optional. It is the very essence of
life. Life feeds on it.
The following is my testimony to the world, given to you as it was given
to me and presented to the best of my ability. You can accept or reject it,
use it or ignore it wholly or partially, remembering that every action or
lack of it is commensurate with an appropriate reaction. Keep in mind that
consequence of an action (or lack of it) outweighs the action alone. The truth
is not negotiable but its perception is; hence one's awareness should always
be a step ahead of the perception alone. Be ready to face the truth when its
perception dissolves on the winter solstice 2012. You've been told in no uncertain
terms by the ancient people of Sumer, Egypt, Vedantic India, by the traditions
of Native Americans, by Maya, through the Biblical and Taoist traditions,
yet you still choose to negotiate what is non-negotiable. You still prefer
to veil an impersonal and just truth with the personal and unjust beliefs.
You've chosen to veil the justice in many layers of injustice by believing
that injustice is the justice and that justice is the injustice. You've coated
the truth with many layers of deceit thinking that a deceit is the truth and
that a truth is the deceit. Your religions and your science will reveal to
you the same truth of an impersonal justice if you will but see it in an honest
and just interpretation and free of the subjective and misleading beliefs.
The world out there in all its multihued manifestations is staring you in
the face, yet you are too afraid to stare back at it, preferring a selfish
and impotent isolation instead of a mutual interaction and creation. The world
offers you life, yet you are paralyzed with the terror thinking that life
is death and that death is life.
It is one of the final testaments given to the world that the truth is not
what one believes or theorizes. It is exactly what it is. It needs no interpretation.
It has a very precise meaning and an exact purpose and so do any of its forms
and manifestations. The truth is in the absence of all beliefs and disbeliefs.
It is impersonal and just. This is one of the final rebukes before a final
trumpet call on the winter solstice 2012 when the Maya Long count ends - and
so does this world of Kali built on the illusions and injustice. Remember,
it is an impersonal message - it doesn't matter whether you accept or reject
it. It does not matter whether you see it as the fear mongering or as the
love and concern for preservation of the fellow man. All that matters is the
effect. All that matters is the action. If the love will lull you into inaction
but the fear will stir you into action, let it be the fear, but if the fear
will paralyze you into inaction; let it be the love, since love and fear are
two personal faces of an impersonal truth. The heaven knows better than what
we believe to be the love or the fear. The heaven knows that the true love
is a just love and that an unjust love has the same purpose as an unjust fear.
The rest of the text on this page is a preparation for what is to follow and
unless one mastered it in its impersonal form, there would be little benefit
of proceeding to the other pages. The truth is quantized in hierarchical sequences
- it evolves step by step and one can proceed to the next step only if he
is firmly footed on the previous step. Confusion will replace the understanding
unless this advice is followed. One will stumble trying to manage several
steps at once. It will become an obstacle for the next step thus defeating
its purpose unless the step before is mastered.
Every step can confuse as much as it can enlighten because the justice is
impersonal. The impersonal justice can be accepted in two conflicting personal
forms - both of them serving the same ultimate purpose of building a stepped
pyramid to the heaven with an apex on 21.12.2012. The pyramid is smooth only
on the surface or from afar. The smooth texture of an outer macrocosm is built
on the foundation of many inner hierarchical microcosmic sequences and vice
versa. The uninterrupted smoothness on one side and the hierarchy of separated
sequences on another side are also two personal faces of one impersonal truth.
The purpose of a dualistic perception is its underlying wholeness but also
vice versa, just as the purpose of an impersonal justice is a personal injustice
but also vice versa. One option follows another in the serial or parallel
sequential order creating a perpetual embrace of spiraling yin/yang. The wisdom
and understanding are the shadows of ignorance and confusion and vice versa
because the perception is dual and one exist only in contrast of its opposite.
One is purpose of another and they co-exist as two intertwined partial beliefs
of only one truth. One learns only through its opposite, because it is its
purpose. One succeeds through the failures and fails through the successes.
One prevails by surrendering and surrenders by prevailing. One lives only
if supported by death and dies only if supported by life. One cannot exist
separately from its opposite. One cannot exist without a purpose; hence one
cannot exist separately from an environment, which is supporting him. One
cannot exist in a selfish isolation from the world and the higher consciousness,
which is projecting it because one is the purpose and the future of the world
and its higher consciousness but only if the world and attainment of the higher
consciousness is also one's purpose and one's future. The justice must be
served because it's the stuff the building blocks of life are made of. Only
the decay and death will prevail in the absence of justice - the decay and
death on which the life feeds because life coheres what is incoherent, unifies
what is separated, orders what is random and justifies what is unjust.
One can write just a short sentence or an entire book, depending on how much
one thirsts for the wisdom and understanding. It doesn't really matter how
extensively the subject is dealt with as long as the thirst is quenched. Many
have heard about the Mayan end date on the winter solstice 2012 but few know
what it means indeed. Many conflicting theories have sprung, one author competing
with another in a final race before it is all over. Many eloquent words were
spoken, yet mystery remains as deep as ever. Many have sensed the truth beyond
the genius of Maya but many more prefer to impose their personal views, uncomfortable
with the facts staring them in the face. Many see a correlation between the
knowledge of Maya and remains of the similar knowledge scattered all over
the world. Others do not want to see it covering the fear of truth with the
wishful thinking. What is a belief but an unsubdued fear? The truth dwells
in every heart yet many prefer to reject it because in their fear the life
appears as death and the death as life. In all honesty everyone should know
the truth but many prefer deceitful beliefs to an honest truth in a dishonest
world. It is the fear of truth, which is hiding behind the appearance of a
justified belief. A world without the beliefs, suppositions and theories is
an honest world that is free of fear. A world in which personal beliefs overshadow
an honest truth is a brutal, loveless and unjust world of Kali. How can anyone
dare to interpret the Mayan end date if they haven't got a clue what kind
of knowledge they had? How can one interpret something that one has no understanding
of? How can one figure out their calendars or the correlation between the
astronomical cycles and the creative cycles of earth they imply, without knowing
what they knew? If you do not understand the process than at least accept
its honest results. Isn't the purpose to deceive one's heart when an end is
interpreted as not really an end? Isn't the purpose to justify personal fears
when the theories are put forward, in which the finality of the present order
on 21.12.2012 is not really final? Is the suppression of truth beyond a layer
of deceit not the purpose when a non-negotiable certainty is made to appear
as a mere possibility?
The Mayan understanding of astronomical cycles and their correlation with
the creative cycles of earth is beyond the grasp of modern science. How can
one justly interpret such superior knowledge with such vastly inferior tools
of modern science? Shouldn't one backtrack his misguided efforts and try to
justify the modern age from a Mayan perspective rather than vice versa. How
can the present savagery and spiritual barbarism do justice to the past refinement
of thought? Is a cave man in a position to justify the refinements of French
cuisine or the intricacies of game of chess? Why should it be presumed that
a later age is somehow more advanced then the one before when the history
clearly shows that an evolution is a two-way street and that reversals are
just as often as are advances? Doesn't the law of relativity, which we should
have digested by now, equalize both possibilities? Doesn't such an arrogant
attitude disguises an underlying ignorance and projects the fear as a valid
belief? Is it an honest interpretation serving justice to the wisdom of Maya
or to the present age? An end that's not an end is a complete distortion of
truth - it's a belief driven to a point of insanity. It is the suicidal use
of a sword intended for the defensive purpose. Such insane interpretations
do not clarify but obscure. They serve no justice. Mayan knowledge of cycles
goes back to the times before man walked the earth or even before the present
universe came into existence; hence they are not just the astronomical cycles
of the present universe but also the cycles of time transcending its present
incarnation and its presently visible size. The understanding Maya had goes
beyond the horizons and boundaries imposed by the modern understanding, because
they knew that all boundaries are relative and that a larger and more comprehensive
reality lurks just beyond the horizons.
Relativity as formulated by A. Einstein and the subsequent quantum laws are
only a rediscovery of the long lost wisdom known by the Maya and all over
the ancient world. The Maya were just the last one to remember them. Those
who understand that the fractality principle is the foundation of the Mayan
time cycles will also know that the Sumerian division of a day into 24 hrs
and an hour into 60 min, the Egyptian Sothic cycles or the Vedic Yugas are
formulated on the same principles. They predict the same outcome, as does
the Mayan Long count - the end on the winter solstice 2012. It is not this
or that or maybe. The end means the end. They could not know such vast cycles
of time that are transcending all the physical boundaries of the present universe
just by the observations. How can one observe something that is beyond the
means of physical observations? Physical observation was obviously only a
secondary tool in the gathering of information. The primary tool was an abstract
understanding that they gained through the spiritual maturity. Their knowledge
of the cycles reveals an understanding not only of particular isolated astronomical
cycles but also of the essential fractal pattern explaining how the different
cycles recursively nest one within the other. They understood not only the
cycles but also the cycle of all cycles. They understood with an utmost precision
the underlying infinite polynomial structure reflected in every finite and
particular cycle, form or manifestation. They knew the fractal causality of
all cycles, which is the causal thread connecting all cycles as one. They
knew the abstract pattern beyond all particular cycles.
They knew what everyone knew in the past lost long ago - that time of the
world below reflects as space in the world above and vice versa. They understood
space/time relativity. They knew that astronomical cycles are intrinsically
connected with the cycles of creation on Earth because everything is connected
with everything else into a coherent whole through an unbroken causal thread.
It was no secret that everything reflects everything else, which is the truth
revealed only recently by the contemporary physical theories such as the holographic
principle, quantum tunneling, Everett's many worlds interpretation and the
other principles of quantum physics. The ancient world understood that analogy
and similarity reveals the larger truth. It is a common sense that the size
of a cycle is proportional with its duration. The larger cycle must have a
larger period of an uninterrupted evolution but it must also begin and end
with a proportionally larger moment of creation and destruction. The cycles
must end because all that has a beginning must also have an end. Everything
has a beginning and an end because an infinite reality manifests only in the
finite (quantized) forms. It is a dual world in which the finiteness of a
form on one level is supported by its infinity on the next level. They can
only co-exist in a symbiosis with each other. Everything must have the boundaries
in space and in time, where boundaries of time (duration) are inversely proportional
with the spatial boundaries (size). Where is the justice when ignorance in
the age of Kali judges the lost wisdom of time? It is an abomination of justice.
An honest truth is covered with many layers of deceit in the age of Kali ruled
by the fearful materialistic and selfish beliefs. Just as the gold is found
under many layers of dirt, even the truth will be found safely stored under
many layers of deceit.
can choose to ignore an honest truth and to surrender to the fear by accepting
untested beliefs only at one's own peril. It is a free world. What will take
the precedence - a personal belief or an everlasting impersonal truth? 21.12.2012
is the end not of one but of two recursive cycles. It means exactly that -
the end, two times over! The end of an astronomical cycle of the universe
is the end of a creative cycle on earth since the time below is a holographic
shadow of the space above. There is no mystery here. It is the end of the
world, as we know it. Earth will tremble, shake and rip open along all its
latent and patent faults. It will be scorched from below and from above. The
remaining ashes, which are not washed away by the churning seas, will be scattered
in all directions by the four winds. Earth will turn inside out and upside
down. The old lands will sink below and the new lands will rise above. It
has been done many times before and it will be done yet again on 21.12.2012.
It is an apocalypse. It doesn't matter what you believe or disbelieve - it
will still happen at the appointed time. The modern technology is sustained
by the knowledge and manipulation of the quantum laws. Do you believe your
TV or a microwave oven to be real? Is there any doubt that a tree is a tree?
Is the reality a set of incoherent and uncertain possibilities or a set of
coherent certainties? Is it both? It is what it is. It attains different shades
only in different personal interpretations, depending on the purpose of every
certain appearance. If there is no doubt that your TV, a mobile phone or your
PC function immaculately, why should you doubt that the winter solstice 2012
is anything else but the end of the world, as we know it? The end of the present
order in 2012 and the functioning of your electronic gadgets are the effects
of the same cause. They are the inevitable outcomes of the quantum law of
succession. Moreover, the entire existence is liable to the universality of
the quantum laws. The end on the winter solstice is an outcome of the quantum
Quantum law stipulates and the modern technology based on its stipulations
confirms it, that an orbiting dense body periodically changes the quantum
states through an instant quantum leap. Two different and separate levels
of reality are briefly bridged in an intense quantum leap. The product of
a series of frequencies excited by such recursive changes is the spectral
pattern of energy specific for particular form of matter (different elements).
There is absolutely nothing to exclude large cosmic bodies from the universality
of the quantum law. A body such as Earth is but a particle of the surrounding
four-dimensional universe in the same manner that an electron is a particle
of three-dimensional earthly matter. The fact that we have 10 planets (incl.
asteroid belt) instead of a cloud of an evenly dispersed fine dust orbiting
Sun testifies to the contrary. Every finite manifestation and form of this
world testifies to the universality of the quantum laws. Everything that has
a finite size or a finite duration acts as a confirmation of the validity
of quantum laws. An abstract law cannot be limited by its particular appearances.
If the quantum law works for the microcosm, and we know that it does, than
it must be applicable across the board. It is not the law of an atom but the
universal law, because an atom is made of the same space and time as the universe.
The difference is only relative, which is the difference in scale - the brief
moment of time in a small space will acts as a long period of time in a large
The self-same variations of Bode's 3/2 harmonization, responsible for the
number and distances of orbiting planets are just as much responsible for
the sequential structure of an atom or for the quantized nature of the astronomical
time cycles. Kepler's law of motion or Newton's inverse square gravitational
law are only its further derivatives and ultimately so are all the laws of
the modern physics (Bode's periodicity, its fractal space/time derivatives
and the spiraling gravitational cohesion they generate through the mutual
interaction is discussed at length in the book Prophet's manual). Every true
law is infinite. It cannot be limited by finite manifestations. Quantum law
is the universal law applicable across the board. The relativity is also the
universal law. They are two faces of only the one universal law of fractality
known to the all the ancient world. It is implied in the description of the
world, which is as above so below, or in the notion that one creates only
in one's own image. The apocalyptic change of Earth's environment is the quantum
leap between the recursive quantum states or an instant transition between
the two cycles of creation in the fullness of time or the completion of a
cycle. Biblical book of Daniel gives that time as time and a half time, which
is 3/2 time testifying not only to the universality but also to the antiquity
of the knowledge of Bode's 3/2-harmonization and its quantum effects. Bode's
periodicity, rediscovered by the 18th century astronomers, is an extremely
old knowledge whose origins are lost in the mist of time.
The stars, galaxies or the entire universes are progressively larger and
denser cosmic bodies. It is fractal recursion of dense bodies. The surrounding
environment of one dense body is a dense body on a larger scale. They are
all liable to the universality of quantum law just as an atom or its nucleus
is. The different dense bodies - from the particles of microcosm to the series
of cosmic bodies, are recursive holographic projections of an abstract (immaterial)
particle in a succession of different quantum states creating a pattern resembling
the interacting waves created by a disturbance of the calm waters. It is only
a relative difference in scales, which is a difference in time separating
the large from the small space. The relativity is the universal law because
it is an aspect of the quantum law or alternatively, the quantum law is universal
because it is a particular aspect of the relativity. An infinitesimally small
instant of time on a small scale requires an infinitely large period of time
on a large scale. The world around us in all its shapes and sizes testifies
that macrocosm follows the same quantum principle as the microcosm does. Even
a sunflower, an anthill, the flight of flock of birds or a shape of a cloud
testifies to its universality. All the world needs is an honest and just interpretation
to reveal its deepest secrets instead of misguided and unjust beliefs. Actually,
there are no secrets - they are an illusion created by the beliefs. Everything
lays bare in front of our eyes if we would but open them.
Gravity and its inversely proportional subsequent derivatives of matter and
energy (or the size and motion as per the particle/wave duality) are always
quantized into the discrete units with strict boundaries and the exact points
of a beginning and an end, regardless of their relative size, motion or density.
To presume otherwise is to deny validity to another universal law - the Einstein's
relativity. The size or motion is a relative or comparative quantity and in
all its honesty it cannot affect universality of any other law. How can the
universal and absolute law be somehow limited by the relative quantities such
as size, motion or density, because such relative quantities depend directly
on universality of such law? The quantum law and relativity (as well as any
other law) are universal and valid across the board, regardless of the relative
physicality of the particular form or manifestation, as the Maya and all the
ancients knew only too well - even if they have different names for them commonly
translated "as above so below" or "as in heaven so on earth". Who is a primitive
savage then and who is a sophisticated savant? Who is the master and who is
the servant here? Who is to judge whom? Are we going to judge the wisdom of
the ancients or are they going to pass a judgment over us? Their so-called
"prophecies", about which we have no idea where they come from and what do
they mean, testify that it is ancients of long forgotten past who will pass
judgment over us and not vice versa, however we would like to believe otherwise.
Our knowledge and technology might have a broader applicability but at the
cost of its materialistic shallowness. In contrast, the ancient knowledge
was the more selective but it run much deeper. Although their technology was
less widespread, it was based on a more potent energy than the present technology.
It is ancients of long forgotten past that reached the stars, not us.
The knowledge of cosmic cycles and their creative purposes known to the Maya
and all the ancients of the long forgotten past are the result of an understanding
of the universality of the quantum laws and the relativity of its applications.
Moreover, they understood that the underlying essence of the quantum and all
the other laws is fractality. All the laws are only the different derivatives
of fractality, regardless if they are physical or non-physical (spiritual
laws). Although such knowledge is partially preserved in the sacred geometry
and numerology, its true meaning was lost. The cosmic cycles replicate the
quantum states of an orbiting electron on a grand scale. They are the stepped
sequences of the serial time periods separating the parallel spatial densities.
They begin and end with a quantum leap - an instant change of the spin and
the density of the orbiting body. They also knew, as the modern physicists
also know, that period between two subsequent quantum states (time cycles)
is determined by its precessional motion, regardless of the size or density
of a massive body. Everything that revolves also has the precessional motion
because of inertia of the massive body. The weight must slow down the motion.
Such gradual collapse of the motion is its precessional motion. An orbiting
electron has a precession and so does every planet, star or a galaxy. Even
the wheel of a car has the precession else it will spin ad infinitum. What
is the precession but the gradual negation (reversal) of orbital or rotation?
What is the precession but the duration of time, which is limitation of time?
The precession is time of time or an accelerated time (gravity); hence a shadow
below of 4D (solar) space above, because double time is space just as double
negation is affirmation. The precession is the limitation that slices the
linear flow of time into discrete units (quanta) with precisely determined
points of beginning and end of each quantum state or each relative incarnation
of orbiting particle. It is the quantum of the surrounding solar space (4D)
doubling as the time period of the embedded Earth (3D). The quantum of solar
space or alternatively the duration of the present time is � precession, because
the smallest unit of 4D spacetime is � (just as the smallest unit of subsequent
5D and 6D cosmic densities is 1/5 and 1/6 thus determining yet larger cycles
of time).
The modern physics knows all too well that a period between two
subsequent quantum states is � orbital precession. It is as above, so below
- all the time between two successive quantum states or between two successive
incarnations of a massive body is � orbital precession, which is a period
of exactly 5200 years of 360 days each in context of the orbiting earth. Since
rotational regression (precession of equinoxes) is 5/4-fractal succession
following on heels of orbital precession (perihelion advance), one 26000-year
creative cycle of earth consists of 5 different rotational incarnations or
5 different worlds (or suns). The cycle is repeatable in 4x5=20-folds units,
well known to the students of the Maya, thus creating yet larger so-called
Milankovich astronomical cycle underlying yet larger 104000-year creative
cycle of earth (the regression of precession or the precession of precession).
The Maya along with the entire ancient world knew quantum laws long before
Dirac, De Broglie or Bohr. There is never anything new under the sun. The
present rotational incarnation of earth expires with winter sun 2012. It is
also the end of the present orbital incarnation unlike the past four events,
because it is the end of a precessional cycle, which is also � of a larger
104000-year cycle. Earth must change not only rotational frequency as in the
past four events but also its orbital frequency in order to remain in coherent
or justified state. The balance of forces must change in every cardinal point
of the precessional wave (�). You can argue about it just as you can argue
with your PC, your TV, your phone, walls of your house or anything else that
exists. It is madness to presume it any other way.
End of the world 21.12.2012 is an effect of the same cause that drives
all your technology. Moreover, it is the effect of the same cause that lends
all forms of reality their existence - the past, the present and the future.
It is the effect of the same cause that creates the density of matter out
of the vibrations of energy! It is the underlying essence of the world holding
it all together through the electromagnetic and gravitational bonds. To doubt
that the winter sun 2012 will spell anything else but the death of the present
order of things is commensurate with doubting one's own existence. You know
what kinds of forces are unleashed during the sequential quantum changes of
an orbiting electron. Multiply it by a factor of double light speed as per
Einstein's E=mC� formulations and you will have a good idea of what 21.12.2012
is all about. However, the force as any other particular form of reality is
impersonal and which personal shade will such an outburst of energy attain
is a matter of choice. The apocalypse for the unjust one is the flower of
life for the just one.
A drowning man will seek salvation in any floating straw. One sees only what
one wants to see. 21.12.2012 is the moment of quantum resonance in which two
different waves merge and amplify each other through resonance (eigenvalue
in quantum physics). The resonance is possible only in the crests and troughs
of a wave or every � curvature. It has been pointed out that the winter sun
of 2012 will see resonance between ecliptic and galactic equator or resonance
between the orbital and precessional gravitational waves, yet the attempts
are made to discredit such 90� alignment. Every right angle is a quantum or
the boundary between two subsequent quantum states, implying a quantum leap
in such point when the wave changes (inverts) its direction. Every perfectly
round motion is distorted by inertia of its particle and vice versa because
any manifestation is a duality of particle and wave. As a consequence every
motion is slightly eccentric or oblique as formulated by Kepler long ago.
There is no perfect curvature - every curvature is eccentric by virtue of
its participating dense body or a particle. The center of gravity never corresponds
to the geometrical center; hence even such an alignment cannot be exact as
pointed out. For the same reason the magnetic poles do not exactly overlie
the geographical poles. Eccentricity is the essence that permits interaction
between the different cycles or waves; hence it is also essential for the
densities of matter that they create on the material plane. The reality will
remain sterile and unchangeable without it. One must have the wisdom when
to see the larger picture and when to seek truth in the small details. 21.12.2012
is the actual and not the geometrical alignment between two successive fractal
waves, because the galaxy is slightly oblique just as earth or any other dense
body or its motion is.
Moreover, the point of alignment due to precession of one in context of
another (self-interference) changes in time, so even if the alignment is perfect
in one point, all the subsequent alignments will gradually depart from that
point just as the solstice/equinox points slowly rotate through the entire
ecliptic in the course of a precessional cycle or as the points of sunset
and sunrise change from day to day passing through the entire rotational plane
in the course of one orbital cycle. Such minor discrepancy between two successive
waves is a synodic/sidereal difference or a quantum, which is the essence
of yet larger astronomical cycle above behaving as yet larger cycle of creation
below. The next alignment on 21.12.2012 by virtue of its synodic/sideral (relative)
discrepancy must be slightly advanced just as the perihelion advances in time
since the Mayan Long count started with a perfect alignment 26000 years ago.
One cannot be excused for failing to account for the relative difference between
space and time, which is the synodic/sideral or particle/wave difference between
two successive spatial densities or between two successive time cycles, in
today's age when relativity is known as the physical principle for over a
century. Even the setting sun doesn't set when it appears so, because light
travels from sun to earth in 8 minutes, � of it reflecting in its synodic/sideral
difference, then how about the galaxy that's much further away? Time on Earth
below acts as space of the universe above. Relativity between two successive
spatial densities, one in the embrace of another, is reflected in the amount
of angular discrepancy or the amount of space/time curvature because two parallel
densities curve each other in diametrically opposite directions, so even perfect
alignment will appear displaced through the gravitational lens of the universe
and the intermediate spacetime curvature.
Such an argument of the imperfect alignment can be made as consequential
without a blink of an eye only in a shallow materialistic perspective lacking
its foresight and its hindsight. Anyone who is even slightly aware of the
underlying mechanism of precession (or the lunar nodal cycles for that matter)
cannot fail to recognize the parallel in all astronomical cycles and all parallel
densities they generate in time. It is as above so below. A stone dropped
into the calm waters will stir many parallel waves nesting one within the
other in infinite causal thread of the successive fractality. One inertial
mass (earth) will create many harmonics in space and time (Bode's harmonization).
Beyond every polynomial is infinite number of harmonics, each one a successive
echo of the previous one through the infinite self-interference. Nothing exists
in separation because every manifestation needs support of its reaction. Ultimately,
all is connected with everything else in a perfectly balanced reality (holography).
An appearance denied its cause or its effects is a shallow materialistic illusion
denied its deeper meaning. Spatial discrepancy leading to the gradual shift
of the cardinal points is the effect of the same underlying cause (fractality),
regardless of its relative scale. It is the result of the perpetual gravitational
tug of war between two successive dense bodies in their mutual yin/yang embrace,
where one supports another through resistance (inertia) thus creating the
spiraling flower of life. If anything, such slight asymmetry confirms rather
then disproves the true alignment and its inevitable consequence - a quantum
leap and an unavoidable gravitational change of the earth's environment.
The cosmically induced change of frequency (change of rotation, orbital and
the spatial density) implies not only the physical change but also the change
of its subsequent subtle (spiritual) harmonics; hence it ends the one and
ushers into the successive creative cycle of earth. It changes the material
form and its underlying consciousness. One cannot reasonably dispute and deny
the same essence of life to earth and its larger cosmic environment unless
one disputes the existence of all the present technology and all the manifestations
of material and immaterial worlds. One will not argue with the inevitability
of the quantum change on the winter solstice 2012 unless one denies the existence
of the electromagnetic and gravitational bonds holding the micro and macro
worlds together. One cannot fail to see clearly that such an alignment spells
the end of the present order of things on 21.12.2012 established some 26000
years ago with the demise of Neanderthal; hence it spells the larger finality
than any of the past four events - larger than the global inundation 5200
years ago or the collapse of Atlantean age 10400 years ago. The fiery purification
at the end of precessional cycle is larger and more intense change than the
past four watery purifications (see the parallel in the biblical book of Daniel).
The Mayan end date of Long count ushers into two new creative cycles - it
is not just a change of civilizations as the past four events but also the
change of the races of man.
Man has forsaken the naked truth at the cost of his personal beliefs many
times before and is doing it again. Selfishness and materialism have ruled
the world before in one or another form, making man blind to the purpose of
his existence and he has paid the price of his resistance to repent and accept
the truth just as he is about to do it again. His personal beliefs through
which he subsequently introduced deceit, brutality and violence into the world
earned him expulsion from primeval Eden. The history plays itself over and
over again. It is a matter of choice between discriminating personal beliefs
and the indiscriminate impersonal truth. Who in his right mind can argue with
truth? Truth is fractal; hence it is as above so below. The manifestations
on a small scale herald the manifestations on a grand scale. The skies above
foretell the course of events on earth below. Warnings are many and still
it is not enough. How much is enough? How many tsunamis, who many eruptions,
how many earthquakes, how many storms, how much of disintegrating climatic
pattern or how much of disintegrating electromagnetic shield? How much violence,
how much starvation, how many diseases and wars will be enough to wake the
man from his slumber? Can anyone in his right mind think that the course of
events can continue in the present spiral of decay without a drastic and fundamental
Events follow its course. Man at his present stage has no power to do anything
about it. The warning has been given through the sacred texts of every major
and minor - past or present religion of the world. God is not unfair. He doesn't
discriminate according to beliefs as man does. Creator can act only justly.
Warning has been given through the scientific, historical and geological evidence.
You can pretend that they are not there but that will not change the truth
or the course of events. End of the present creative cycle and the end of
the world as we know it will still arrive on the winter solstice 2012. Believe
what you want, but are you ready to face your beliefs or disbeliefs in the
moment of truth? Perhaps, you believe there is no truth. Are you ready to
bear the consequence? Are you ready to reap what you saw? Are you ready for
the justice to be served according to your own standards? This is not yet
another theory competing for dominance. It is the moment of truth. Act now
or bear the consequence of your inaction. Soon the events will overtake the
opportunity to make the amends. Soon a certainty will overshadow all the relative
and temporary possibilities. Soon a freedom of choice will be replaced by
inevitability of only one choice - to be or not to be. You life is your personal
responsibility. It is not the responsibility of your government, the Pope
in Rome, the Dalai Lama or your neighborhood shaman. It is not the responsibility
of your parents, your spouse, your employer or your spiritual guide.
It is your responsibility to bring your mind into your heart and your heart
into your mind. It is your responsibility to let the mind follow the impulse
of your heart and the heart to follow the input of your mind in a creative
spiraling yin/yang embrace. It is imperative that the mind knows what the
heart feels and that the heart feels what the mind knows. Those, which are
familiar with the ways of the East preserving the oldest wisdom of man, will
know what it means. The mind incoherent with its heart creates a superstitious
illusion (Maya) - an appearance without a purpose, which is not the whole
truth but a deceitful half-truth. It is better to know nothing than to be
guided by a half-truth because it is twice larger deceit than a straight lie,
since it lies about the truth as much as it lies about the lie. The half-truth
based on a superstitious belief and incomplete theories is a purposeless way
of Kali Yuga, which has no place in upcoming Golden Age. The truth is whole
(quantum). It either is or is not. The partial truth doesn't satisfy the creative
criteria of the quantum law of succession and it must laps when its option
expires. The partial truth and the partial effort create partially with the
exact boundaries in space and time. It has a precise beginning and the end.
It has a certain size and certain duration incapable to transcend its personal
finity in the context of enveloping infinity. The partial truth is a selfish
materialistically induced appearance. It is an isolation of many separate
parts without the mutual cohesion or holographic bonds. It is an illusion
of a fatherless son in which an effect appears without a cause and a cause
appears without its effects. In the partial framework of existence the causal
(karmic) bonds are interrupted by the personal selfishness generating a circular
development. Such existence will end unless the causal bond between man and
the environment supporting it are mended before its limited (relative or temporary)
option expires 21.12.2012. It is not enough to be a potential. Potential must
be realized. It is not enough to exist as a mere possibility of the new world
order without reaching for the option to become its certainty.
The law is impersonal. It is a personal illusion (Maya) to interpret anything
as fear or love, as life or death or as a duality of darkness and light. Wisdom
on one step is but ignorance on the next step. The spirit on one level is
the physical body on the successive level, because the one is a holographic
shadow of another. They support each other through the mutual resistance in
a perpetual spiraling embrace. The world must end because of the karmic (causal)
law but also because of the law of darma (succession). The finality is neither
good nor bad, because the creation is another face of destruction just as
the destruction is another face of creation. One supports another through
their mutual resistance. The one is the measure of another. The creation is
the smallest amount of destruction just as the destruction is the smallest
amount of creation - the one is quantum or an atom of which another one is
made. Creation is the stuff of which the destruction is made and vice versa
- one is the content filling the form of another. One without another is a
purposeless appearance in which the causal thread is broken and such an illusion
must end just as it has begun. Did not you know that the new world could rise
only from the ashes of the old one? How can a new house be erected unless
the old house is dispensed with? How can one adorn the new garment over the
old one? Even the snake must periodically change its skin not to be suffocated
by the overgrown one. You who believe in the ascendancy of spirit, forgetting
that the spirit can perceive and express itself only through the bodily senses,
are you prepared to face the weight of your beliefs? Isn't the fear induced
by the thought of physical destruction a reaction of your own core disbelief?
You who speak of love, is your love strong enough to overcome your underlying
fear in the moment of truth? Your heavenly father doesn't care what you believe.
The only thing that matters is your actions. It is the action that speaks
about who you are and your will to accept the justice in lieu of violence
and crime induced by your misguided beliefs. It is the action that reveals
degree of coherence between your heart and your mind. It is the actions and
not the beliefs that confirm maturity of your spirit. 21.12.2012 requires
action and not the words. Words alone have no purpose. Are your going to be
ready to face your creator by a cheap talk and no action? Can you light the
fire by talking about it? Can you reach the stars by looking at them? Can
you have a child by thinking about it? Grow up. Wake up. Overcome the purposeless
appearance to gain an eternal life. Fulfill the purpose of your creation.
Creator creates through his creation. Be a creator and not a destroyer, because
a creator is created and a destroyer is destroyed when the time is up. Coherent
truth amplifies and creates life while incoherence of the selfish and separated
beliefs leads to randomness and death. The only outcome of inactivity is decay.
Creation and coherence of life is possible only by the conscious effort. One
is responsible for the creation of one's own life through coherence with the
higher will. One can be born only through a father. One can never give a birth
to oneself; hence one cannot know the truth through a selfish thought and
a personal belief but only through the impersonal thought of his creator.
Intuition without a conscious knowledge, just as a consciousness without the
intuitive truth is a deceitful half-truth. Such belief must be surmounted
in the interest of preservation of life, which is the purpose of creation,
and also the purpose of man. What is given has the use only if it is accepted
too. The one lacking the support of its opposite must eventually collapse
under its own weight. Man must conquer the illusion or the illusion will conquer
Imagine the world in which there are no roads and no directions, and every
vehicle chooses its own personal direction. It is a chaotic world in which
no one would reach his destination. Is it any different with your random beliefs
and half-baked theories, where everyone is fostering one's own direction of
thought irrespective of the fundamental pattern supporting all of them? Isn't
a belief only an appearance, when denied its rightful purpose? What is the
use of a spanner if one forgot what is it for? Can one exist separated from
the environment supporting it? Can a tree grow without the roots firmly planted
in the ground? Can the beliefs exist without the support of underlying truth?
The one can walk anywhere he chooses, but can one walk denied the support
of earth under his feet? The consequences of walking in the clouds are obvious.
The end result of many incoherent beliefs is a complete confusion and absence
of any underlying truth. But is that a true picture of the world? World is
a causal duality in which every effect has a cause and every appearance has
a purpose; hence even incoherence of shattered beliefs has a reaction of an
underlying coherent truth supporting all of them. See beyond the appearance.
See beyond the horizons of your personal beliefs - but before they lapse with
the winter sun of 2012, because it is too late to act once a hungry lion pounces
on top of you.
Incoherence paralyzes all separate actions into an overall inaction but
coherence amplifies the effect of each action with every other action. The
strength is in unity and cohesion; the weakness is in disunity and incoherence
of all the little selfish parts. The difference between incoherence of separated
beliefs lacking a causal thread binding them into a coherent whole, and coherence
in which all the beliefs coalesce into the one underlying truth, is the difference
between order and chaos. It is the difference between the conscious and unconscious
or the difference between life and death. Incoherent beliefs devoid of the
underlying truth are an evolutionary dead end road, because the truth ends
with an appearance without ever exposing its true purpose. Did not Christ
say that you could see the kingdom of my father only through me? Doesn't it
mean that one needs to follow the explicit outer guidance rather than the
unreliable inner belief? The road is always a narrow path cut through the
vast field. Do you think he said you must worship him as a person or you must
accept his message as the truth beyond and above all the personal beliefs?
Is that statement and the message any different than a message contained in
one or another form in all the past and present religions? It is a free world.
A choice is to rely on the personal belief or to accept the truth. The choice
is to believe in an appearance or to find its purpose. The choice is to live
or die. You can believe whatever you fancy about the Mayan end date on 21.12.2012,
but the truth is that it spells the physical end of the world as a precondition
of the spiritual renewal.
It is a destruction and cataclysm beyond all your imagination and yet only
such destruction will cleanse the world of its accumulated negative karma
of the materialistic and selfish existence. The cataclysmic end of an astronomical
cycle as seen in the quantum leap of an orbiting electron only on a grand
scale is not a theory or a personal belief but an impersonal truth. Such destruction
on a large scale is the very fountain of life on the small scale just as the
similar destructions on the smaller scales are the very fountain of life on
a large scale. You can think what you want but the truth will still remain
what it is. The truth is the very negation of all your beliefs. The truth
is what remains when all the beliefs and all the disbeliefs are taken out
an appearance. You can either believe it or you can know it. You have a choice
to desist from the interpretations and accept the facts in all their honesty
or to twist them to fit your personal moulds. The consequence will be commensurate
with your choice, because your future depends on your present actions. It
doesn't truly matter if you accept facts by believing in their honesty or
you choose to dig for deeper truth. It is a personal choice.
following text is a web published account delving into the very essence beyond
the apparent facts; hence drink from its well if your thirst is insatiable.
A word of caution though - much of the material presented here is of a highly
technical nature and not suitable for everyone. If the result is all that
matters to you than understand that world ends with winter solstice 2012.
There is no ifs or buts. It is not open to the interpretations and speculations
unless one tries to deceive oneself and the rest of the world. One can interpret
it honestly only if one knows what its creators knew. You will find what they
knew in here but if it doesn't resonate with your pattern of thinking than
you can find its complete meaning in biblical revelations as much as in the
Vedantic, Sumerian, native Indian, Egyptian and many other descriptions of
the end of the world, its causes and its implications. Whatever you do, understand
that this is one of the last calls for action and that very soon the course
of events will accelerate beyond your ability to make any corrections. Whatever
is your present spiritual maturity; remember that inactivity breeds only chaos,
decay and death. Life is a conscious effort. It doesn't just happen! Creator
creates through his creation. Only a coherent effort is creative; hence act
coherently in unison with the higher will. Incoherence of selfish parts and
personal beliefs ends with the boundaries imposed by personal limitations.
Incoherence will not filter beyond the winter solstice 2012. Spiritual awareness
is mature only if it is coherent with the higher will. Spirituality without
a purpose is just another materialistic deceit and an appearance without a
purpose or life beyond its final cut-off date. Act responsibly! Act now while
there is still time, because time ends on 21.12.2012. Beyond that date there
is only an unadulterated cosmic space yet to be transformed by a quantum event
on 21.12.2012 in the next creative cycle of time.
The following text is an impersonal message. It has no personal value for
its messenger. Its purpose as far as permitted is not competitive but complementary
with all the presented scientific theories and with all the religious beliefs
(or the lack of them). We claim no ownership or rights and we accept no liability.
Use it or ignore it at your own discretion. It doesn't matter if you react
to its content with love or with fear, with acceptance or with rejection,
because an impersonal truth can attain many personal hues. The intention is
not in fortifying the appearances of dualistic divisions but the very essence
on which such divisions rest, which is the underlying wholeness of truth.
Only the whole can be divided. This testament is not final. The book is divided
in 11 chapters. The 12th and the final chapter will be your own response to
it! It is the sister site of Prophet's manual, where the earlier published
information can be gathered. There are no copyrights on either of them and
their content can be freely and unconditionally disseminated.

Mother or Father in love ;if we noticed in our surrounding ecology there are always have kept some pay its originality due to nature fall on in every destiny of particular human being.
An unique Fay and family all the above in our responsibility as new birth by our working presentation , its a big causes of our strong future world!